Sugar, Gluten & Peanut Free Valentines Ideas For Kids.

While the custom of sending cards, flowers, chocolates, and other gifts originated in the UK, today, in the United States, about 190 million Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year, not including the hundreds of millions of homemade cards school children exchange.

Now the big and lovely question is: What do I send my kid to school with?

Being health conscious & allergy aware at the same time, it is really hard to find great ideas for School Valentine’s that don’t include sweets, chocolates, lolly pops, or cookies.

I have decided to share with you my research on ideas for gifts that are SUGAR, GLUTEN & PEANUT FREE. Here are 20 great, easy, and affordable projects to prep for Valentine’s Day school gift exchange with your little Valentine:

You light up my life.

You light up my life. valentine's card

I am so glad we are in this same troop.

I am so glad we are in this same troop valentine's card

Let’s band together and have friendship forever. 

friendship band on valentine's day

You are amazing.

You are ah-mazing. valentine card

A bubbly valentine

A bubbly valentine - bubbles

You Rule

You make my heart race.
You are just writing.

You are so sharp

You are so sharp heart papers
Valentine Doxie.

Pom Pom Valentine Monsters

Pom Pom Valentine Monsters

Learn how to make it.
I love hanging with you.

I love hanging' with you valentine's card

You color my world.
I love how you think outside the sandbox

I think you are exSTRAW special.

“Doh” you want to be my Valentine.
You blow me away.

You rock!Learn how to make it.

You make my soar.
valentine- you make my soar

My heart bounces for you

I hope that at least one of these ideas captured your heart. I’m sure that many of your child’s school friends’ parents will appreciate your creative and healthy choice.

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