How To Stay Sane When You Are Stuck At Home

For some of us, it has been a few days, for some of us maybe a week or two, but for all of us, it feels like it has been weeks if not months of sitting at home with kids and trying to stay sane.

It is most important that we stay calm and safe. Times are very uncertain and we are not sure how long we will be stuck in this limbo. Please remember these few tips:

Wash your hands and most-used surfaces at home (light switches, door knobs, faucets… 🙂

stay healthy, wash hands to beat corona virus

Stay calm, drink water, and eat healthy meals (no snacking & no food after 7:00 pm).

keep calm and stay hydrated
keep calm and stay hydrated

Keep moving.

Dance. Find an online workout that will make you happy. Just 15 min a day will make a HUGE difference. You don’t want to end up with extra pounds after all of this.

Even when everything is closed, you can still go OUTSIDE.

Go for a walk, run, bike ride. And if you can not leave your home, go on the balcony or sit in an open window. Your body needs fresh air and vitamin D.

Write down a to-do list of unfinished projects and see how many of them you can finish (photo albums, taxes, filing, catching up on sleep, calling family and friends, learning how to play guitar or how to paint).

Create a well-balanced schedule for every day of the week. This way you stay organized and sane & your kids don’t tear the house apart.

And if you are home with kids, JUST ENJOY the time with them. Have fun. They will grow up and leave and you will miss the time, when you were stuck at home with them 🙂 

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