Organizing Kid’s Arts: Display and Store Masterpieces in Style

As a parent, it’s a delight to see our children express their creativity through arts and crafts. But every charming painting, perplexing collage, or endearing etching can contribute to a mounting pile of kids’ artwork. What’s the solution to this lovely problem? A combination of chic display and clever storage can proudly showcase your child’s creativity while keeping your home tidy and organized. Here’s how:

1. Create an Art Wall with Frames

Creating an art wall is a beautiful way to celebrate and display your child’s artistic prowess. Select a plain wall in your home that could use a splash of color—hallways, stairway landings, or even your child’s bedroom.

Introducing frames into your art wall can be an excellent complement to the other pieces. Not only do frames elegantly display the artwork, but they also protect it. Consider a dynamic display with an Articulate Gallery Frame which allows you to effortlessly slide your child’s latest artwork into view while safely storing the older ones behind.

2. Portfolio or Art Folder

For seldom-displayed artwork that you and your child still value, consider storage in an art portfolio or folder. You could organize them by dates, art types, or even themes. Remember to get a sturdy one that resists wear and tear, ensuring the artwork inside remains in good condition

3. Use a Digital Platform

In the digital age, why not go electronic? Apps like Artkive allow parents to photograph, store, and organize children’s art digitally. This is an ideal solution for reducing physical clutter while preserving precious memories.

4. Crafting the Art Corner

Designate a particular corner in your home as the ‘Art Corner.’ Set up your storage solutions here—a shelving unit or boxes labeled by type or creation date. This will centralize all art-related items and make access and clean-up easier for both you and your child.

5. Upcycle Art into Usable Items

You can convert some of the artwork into usable items like greeting cards, book covers, or wrapping paper. This way, you’re not just storing the works, but also finding practical uses for them, teaching your child the value of creativity in everyday life.

Remember, encouraging your child’s creativity and teaching them to respect and organize their workspace are not mutually exclusive tasks. By showcasing their talent proudly in your home, efficiently storing, and even practical usage of their art, your children will naturally want to keep their artwork organized. And they will feel a sense of accomplishment seeing their work valued and appreciated.

About the Author: Kaye Taña

She is a mom of an adorable and awesome little girl. Kaye is a hardworking mom that loves to travel. In addition, she shares her life experiences and motivates people on her Facebook Page:

The Morena Wanders

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