It Is Back To School Time.

I can’t believe that the summer is more than halfway done already and we have to start getting ready for school. There is this long list of school supplies that have to be bought, on top of new clothes – as for some weird reason kids tend to speed up their growth during the summer and everything that they try on is suddenly too small.

I decided to do back-to-school shopping much earlier this year. And I am so happy to announce that I am all done. This way I had some spare time to make something special (having school in mind) for Olivia. I am really hoping that this project will help her get more organized and thanks to that, more focused and successful upcoming school year.

Very recently I have made a command center in my kitchen and I really like how much it helps to organize our family activities. I like it so much that I decided to make one for Olivia in her bedroom.
I started this project by creating a pretty chalk wall, which became my canvas for the rest of the project. 
chalk wall
Then I made a list of items that will go on top of it. First was a whiteboard that was done while doing one of the previous projects. We used part of the Ikea easel board and then painted it white. You can purchase your whiteboard online, for example, this whiteboard has a good price and reviews.
white board
Next were white clipboards. Two of them. One with printable calendars so Olivia can keep track of when and what is happening – like school projects, friends’ birthdays etc. I have used a calendar that comes with the clipboard and I really like it.

The second clipboard I will use for a chore chart. Yes! I made her a chore chart. I got tired of my own voice after repeating so many times: ‘’Olivia do this’’; ’’Olivia do that’;’ ‘’Olivia did you do this yet’;’ ‘’Olivia did you do that’’. I have read a lot of articles, posts, and blogs about how successful chore charts are so I have decided to give it a try. Couldn’t find the one that would match our needs so I have created this chore chart. After printing it I went to “Staples” and laminated it – this way Olivia can use dry eraser marker on it and also less paper will end up in recycling. 
clip board
Because I was so tired of tripping on Olivia`s bag, I decided to deal with it by adding a big hook on the wall. Maybe it will not end in the middle of the passageway.  
The last piece I was the most excited about. It is one of our projects that came out better than I wanted 🙂 I found these in a dollar store, these canvas boards, and purchased them originally to make a wall sign for my laundry room. Didn’t have time to get to that project yet but I am now using these boards for another purpose. 
First, we added a coat of white paint. I have decided to make the bottom of it black to make the illusion of this board to be shorter. I wanted it to match the size of the dry-erase board. Then I attached the mason jar to it. It is our second mason jar as a pen holder creation made and a second success. Love them both.
dry erase board and mason jar
I made sure that my husband hung all pieces nicely, securely, and straight. Haha! actually, he is much better at this than I am. The result was great and our next project was accomplished. 
white board and clipboard
Let’s hope it will serve its purpose and help Olivia to get her hands on the art of organization. 

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