10 Reasons to Embrace the Quarantine!

A couple of days ago, I received an email with a list of top reasons to embrace quarantine. I automatically thought that it would be a great, uplifting read for everyone. I wanted to share it with you here so I reached out to Lucy from “Life of Mom” to get permission. Lucy, once more THANK YOU so much for letting us share your optimistic outlook with our readers 🙂

10 Reasons to Embrace the Quarantine!

With the entire world locking down due to COVID-19, it’s easy to fall into a mindset of fear and doom. But as moms, it’s important that we stay in a healthy state of mind. So here are the top 10 reasons to embrace quarantine…

1 – If you are reading this it means you are alive today, at this moment. Appreciate that you have been blessed with another day of life, as we are all acutely aware of just how precious it is during these times.

keep calm and live on

2 – If you are under quarantine like most of us are, this is the perfect time to start that in-home project you’ve been putting off. (I’m about to get my Marie Kondo this month.)

KonMari Book

3 – As much as each of us would prefer not to be on lockdown, our pets could not be happier to have their favorite people home with them 24/7. Snuggle up to those fur babies.

cites puppy ever

4 – Take a moment to appreciate all the teachers who work tirelessly to educate our kids. Many of us moms are finding out just how difficult it is… as we begin this new normal of homeschooling.

teacher appreciation poem

5 – Thank a healthcare professional and/or the first responder. They are out on the front lines battling this infectious virus bravely and selflessly so we all can stay home.

not every hero wears a cape

6 – Take up a hobby.

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do; learn a language, play an instrument, take up knitting…the world has just carved out some time for you to go for it.

i love knitting whats your hobby

7 – Spring cleaning time!

Open up the window, let out the stink, and go to work on those sinks.

happy spring cleaning with miniowls

8 – Make those calls you’ve been putting off.

Call your mom, your siblings, and your old friends you haven’t seen in a while. Reconnect and share a laugh. They are going through the same circumstances, what is a better time than to check on the ones you love?

Distance never separates two hearts that really care 

9 – While you are required to stay 6 feet away from people, you are not required to stay 6 feet away from nature. Take in the smell of freshly cut grass and a beautiful garden of flowers. Literally, stop and smell some roses.

stop ans smell the roses

10 – Snuggle up to your loved ones. Whether they are 2 or 20, your spouse or furbaby, practice the art of cuddling and being present at the moment with the ones you love.

Snuggle up to your loved ones

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