5 Benefits of Cloth Diaper

If you have heard of cloth diapers, but find the word “cloth” visualized in your head when you hear it, then you are not alone. Many automatically equate cloth with the diapers their mother’s generation used. However, the cloth is just a general term for a diaper material and it does not need to always be made from cloth.

Cloth diapers have been used for over a century, they are practical, economical, environmentally friendly, and cut down on diaper rash. Cloth diapers are making a huge comeback; the cloth is the better alternative to disposables and in many cases even holds up better than plushes. Therefore, more and more parents are considering cloth diapers as an option.

Check out the 5 benefits of using a cloth diaper:

Cloth Diapers Are Environmentally Friendly

While disposables may seem more convenient, opting for the Eco-Friendly choice of cloth diapers benefits not only you and your little one but the environment as well.

Cloth diapers can come in an array of different materials. The main two materials are cotton and bamboo. They are both highly absorbent options for your little one’s tender tush, but as far as the environment goes, bamboo wins by a landslide! These diapers are a great choice for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Plus, they’re adorable!

Check out the best cloth diapers!

Cloth Diapers are Cheaper Than Disposables

This is the big question always – Is cloth diapering cheaper? The answer is YES! Cloth diapering is a wonderful option. It allows you to remove the expense of disposables, which would cost hundreds of dollars or more over time. Although you will have to shell out more money initially, the money saved in the long run makes cloth diapers worthwhile.

Cloth Diapers Reduce Baby’s Exposure to Chemicals 

Baby health is incredibly important, and parents should always strive to choose the most natural products for the well-being of their children. Unfortunately, many parents are unaware of the harmful ingredients used in disposable diapers.

Cloth diapers are eco-friendly and free of harmful chemicals. They are a healthier choice that can reduce the risk of skin-irritating chemicals to your baby.

Cloth Diapers Cause Less Diaper Rash and Leaks

If you have kids, then you’re probably familiar with diaper rash. Diaper rash is a common diaper problem that causes your baby’s bottom to become red and itchy. Diapers can cause diaper rash in two ways — they trap air or moisture against your baby’s skin, or the friction of the diaper rubbing against your baby’s delicate skin can also cause a rash.

If your baby is experiencing diaper rashes or leaks then consider switching to cloth diapers. Cloth diapers are breathable, provide better protection against leaks, and will not cause diaper rashes.

Cloth Diapers Support Early Potty Training

Children wearing cloth diapers develop a much greater awareness of how wet or dirty they are compared to children who wear disposables. This is because cloth diapers don’t contain any chemicals that change the child’s skin’s ability to feel; hence, the child feels wet or dirty and wants to go to the toilet to relieve himself. Also, if a child realizes that he’s wet when using cloth diapers, he will want to get out of them as soon as possible. He’ll take off the diaper and will learn faster to start asking for potty. Cloth diapers give an incentive for children to learn their potty training faster since they have fewer unpleasant experiences due to waiting too long.

About the Author: Kaye Taña

She is a mom of an adorable and awesome little girl. Kaye is a hardworking mom that loves to travel. In addition, she shares her life experiences and motivates people on her Facebook Page:

The Morena Wanders

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