Having A Pet For Your Kids

Ever since I became a parent myself, I’ve always wondered why children are so excited about having pets. They love playing with them and making friends with them. Studies have shown that having a pet for your child can make their life more fun, teaches them about responsibility, and gives them focus on something else than just their phone or other distractions.

Here are five reasons why owning a pet when you have kids is awesome and why you should do it!

Pets teach children about responsibility.

As a parent, you want your child to grow up to be a responsible adult who takes care of others and pays attention to detail. Pets are like a second family member in your home—they help teach your child about the importance of responsibility, empathy, and kindness. An interesting Forbes article states that “ The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found that teenagers with diabetes managed their disease better if they were put in charge of caring for a fish than teenagers without a pet to care for. The reason for the study was that teens are a patient population known for not adhering to medical regimens. But when tasked with the discipline of keeping an animal on a feeding schedule, the teens more regularly and consistently, checked their own blood glucose levels.”

They decrease allergies

There is some new research that suggests having a pet in the house can decrease your chances of developing an allergy. The reason for this is that pets help to strengthen the immune system, increase socialization and get children engaged in activities that help them with their physical and mental development.

Provide comfort and companionship

Whether it’s comfort, cuddles, laughter, or physical activity, having a pet leads to a release in calming endorphins – oxytocin. They can help young people to communicate their feelings, connect with the world around them, embrace a sense of independence, and develop a personal identity in their entirety.

You can check out this article about the advantages of pet ownership by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Lower blood pressure

Many people have pets for companionship and to offer emotional support. These pet owners often also experience decreased stress and pain levels, and improvements in cholesterol levels. That’s because having a pet helps to lower blood pressure by reducing stress levels, promoting physical activity, and helping the body to recover from stress. Did you know that cat owners are 30% less likely to have a heart attack and 40% less likely to have a stroke.

They’re fun!

Pets bring out a special side of children and adults that is almost impossible to measure. Pets  bring a sense of being needed by humans. We tend to teach them tricks, show them off, use creativity to dress them, or arrange their sleeping spot. Pets can become our hobby and help us meet other people and socialize. And, studies have found that pet owners are perceived as “friendlier” by their neighbors, likely due to the amount of engagement they have when outdoors.

The bottom line is this: pets are not just work they make our lives better. Owning a pet gives your family a lot of advantages. Pets are fun for kids. They can also make your house a happier place and make your child more responsible. They keep us exercising and healthier. They bring out the best in us.

About the Author: Kaye Taña

She is a mom of an adorable and awesome little girl. Kaye is a hardworking mom that loves to travel. In addition, she shares her life experiences and motivates people on her Facebook Page:

The Morena Wanders

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